chastity formula

Monday, December 23, 2013

Top 5 moments in 2013

Merry Christmas from the Garita MC House!
While closing the year with the MC sisters and the children from the day care center, I was thinking how this year went so fast for me but with really valuable lessons.

This are the top 5:

1. To receive a message in 2 parts, from God through 2 different priests while I was in confession.
2. Realize that the real MISSION is how I let myself be transformed by God. To become a MCL is more about a deeper transformation in me.
3. Number 1 and 2 happened while I was in confession. Therefore, I can only say that I've grown to appreciate the Sacrament of Reconciliation like GOLD (or even more).
4. I can speak about Theology of the Body in a country that needs it. But the talks and material won't be prepared unless I start working on it. Thank GOD for the time. Written material is ready, now move on to presentations and resources.
5. Preparing food bags and presents for others with the MC and at home. There is really more happiness in giving (time, effort, food, gifts) than receiving. Thank you Father for the extra income that I can SHARE with those who need it.

Ready now to let Jesus be BORN again in my heart. May He find a place to be born in your hearts as well.


Monday, December 9, 2013

A LMC postulant

After almost 6 years of discernment, finally I had my chance to start walking and preparing myself to become a Lay Missionary of Charity. For I while I had 3 other women experiencing the initiation part. However, after almost 7 months, I'm the one that remains constant.

Accepting the LMC statutes
Some how I understand that is not that easy for them to make this radical decision and persevere in this process. I had a gap of 6 years to sear, think and finally have the striking punch of God to my heart. During this part of my walk, I will immerse into the statutes of this community: Nature and Mission, the Vows, LMC dialog with God, The Cross (no greater love) and the LMC movement as a community. If I work hard and persevere, next year I would be able to start the novice part. 

The first time Sister Adonay MC, agreed to start the whole process, I was glad and I actually thought I was ready to take my vows next day. But I've come to learn that God has a different time and the 2 year preparation process must have a purpose. 

In these past 10 months, I've realized that I need that time, even when my heart wants to give the final jump right away. But in the same way a baby needs to learn to crawl and then to stand up and give the first steps, I need to learn how to stand up, again and again, regardless if I stumble. For now, I need to learn that God's Love is  persistent and always unconditional. More than learn I have to LIVE IT and BELIEVE IT. 

This part some days is a challenge, and most days is a Grace to live this Love.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Forgive me Father, I have sinned

El viaje Infinito

Te apartas de Dios porque le tienes miedo?

El día que no eres capaz de reconocer tus faltas, es el día en que el viaje que te aleja del Deseo Infinito inicia. Con cada negación, te sumerges más en un agujero negro que absorbe tu vida. Te desintegras, te desfiguras.

Pero cuando empiezas a reconocerte como pecador, como uno más que le da vinagre y agua al Crucificado, empiezas otro viaje; uno en el que cada vez que caes y reconoces tu falta contra otros/contra ti/contra Dios, entras en un proceso de perdón y purificación. 

La primera vez que quieres confesarte es complejo, descubres lo amargo de ese vinagre en Sus labios y tus manos tiemblan.

Pero El toma tu mano y es capaz de transformar aquel momento en Perdón y Misericordia. Para tu sorpresa, cuando aceptas que pecaste y pides perdón desde el corazón, aquella obscuridad se transforma. Es como si el peso del mundo desapareciera. Eres abrazado y sientes que la Paz de Dios empieza a inundarte. 

Ese viaje es el que te reconstruye y te vuelve a recordar la dignidad y el amor con el que fuiste creado. Eres una criatura magnífica, quebrada por tu soberbia y orgullo, por tu vanidad y tu lujuria; pero eres hecho de nuevo y puro en el Amor eterno de Aquel que se despojó de todo por ti.

Es este viaje que, con su Gracia, te llevará a la Santidad, y más aún, a la Comunión eterna. Ese propósito para el cual fuiste creado, será cumplido; y tu deseo infinito será SACIADO eternamente.

Friday, September 6, 2013

To TASTE God! - Sabiduría de Dios!

In about a month I would be able to step up and start my postulation to become a lay Missionary of Charity. Six months ago I took the first step. In this time I've experienced Joy and also some challenges. 

When you start speaking more about God, Justice and Truth your "friends" will start turning the back to you. In this time I've seen how at least 4 to 5 of what I used to think were good friends left my life. Recently my so called best friend also departed when I told her that our vacation together won't happen as I have some commitments and emergencies with some people of my community and with my parents. If I had chose to be a lone person and schedule my time and money only according to me, the story would be different. 

I could have drowned with these friends walking away. But when you abandon yourself to the perfect Love, there are always rays of light. John 15, 8 "If the world hates you, you must realize that it hated me before it hated you."; this was the verse that has uplifted me all these months. Not only that but gave me strength to keep happy and look life with patience and feel blessed with what is given to me, and also with what is taken away from me.

Even it is not the easiest process, learning this lesson has opened the door for me to focus on my thirst of learning more about this God that loves me and demands more every day. While on a short retreat, there was something that stroke me hard. I've finally understand what is to "taste" God. In Spanish wisdom is translated as sabiduría. This words comes from latin sapientia:

sapientia ae, f sapiens, good taste, good sense, discernment, discretion, prudence, intelligence, forethought

The good taste of knowing God, the never ending mystery! Recently I met again with a man that is very bright when he talks about biotechnology. His intelligence is attractive! Of course there is no point in building more illusions when he is a distant person. But while he was talking, I was thinking: If the intelligence of a man can attract me so much, how much more God's intelligence will keep me attracted an eternity? 

Super WOW!

That is when I realized that the price I'm paying for this Love... is ok! it is almost a bargain. And since He is soooo merciful, He has granted me the gift of new persons in my life, that accept that I'm a crazy one, crazy for Him!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chastity ROCKS!

Over a year ago, I took the decision and had the conviction that there is one virtue that could be key in my process to sainthood. Whether I achieve this goal or not, I found that doing my best effort is worth it. 

Before this personal commitment I had no clue about "The pure hearts movement" or similar groups. It was just something that sprung inside me, out of God's Grace. For years, when I felt victim of the world relativism and its lie, I was trapped inside the sin of lust. 

Granted, we all sin even daily, but from the capital sins, one seems to stick with us for the most part of our life. Lust was my weak point. It dragged me to believe the urban myth, that it is just through the pleasure of our flesh that life has a meaning. IT DOESN'T!

But I guess you have to go through this experience first and realize that after years of following this false idea, life seems empty and repetitive. It feels desperate. Slowly I started to realize, that this couldn't be the key to happiness or even more, the key to Joy. 

I think, that secretly, and then loudly, I started to ask God's help to get rid of this sin. Some times I thought I had a victory, but this was just for a short period, and then I could fall all over again. One day I found the "solution" when I was in the darkest knight of my life.

I gave up all! I knelt and offered all my life to God. I couldn't try anymore on my own. Few months later, my Theology of the Body (TOB) speaker seminar came. I fed myself with new and rich information and as the seminar was ending I prayed in my heart.... "Christ, restore my virginity; teach me how to walk in the path of Chastity".
Chastity helps!

God doesn't work magic tricks...or does He? It may be that before this moment I was ready to give it all and let myself be guided by Him. Or it could just be His never ending Mercy. The fact is that after my TOB seminar was over, my new life began! I was set FREE from lust! and how wonderful this freedom feels even today. 

As I see the relativist world where I live, where a lot of people praise persons with same sex attraction, I don't understand how different their sin is from mine. Lust is one, and happens to men and women. It can be targeted to the opposite sex or like it is the fashion today, to the same sex. But lust reduces ourselves to be just flesh, as if we had no spirit or consciousness. Today most people are defined by their sexual life, with a very reductionist way of being. 

Chastity on the other hand, has offered me the chance to value my femininity and discover my genius. And while walking on this path I'm not free of falling in this sin, I have gained the chance to see others for who they are...and not just a body! This allows me always reach out to God and ask mercy. To be in front of a person, whom you recognize their human dignity for being creatures of the same Father is a whole different perspective than what lust offered me. 

Hopefully in year and a half or so, I will take this vow for real when I become a Lay Missionary of Charity. Meanwhile, I will keep learning about this wonderful virtue we are granted and how not to fall into pride at the same time.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One year after…

By the end of this month (April) it will be a whole year ever since I started walking completely and fully the path of Chastity. The last trigger was my Theology Of the Body Speaker training workshop. After that my way back to Bolivia was appointed. I had little clue what was I going to do back in country, but I had full confidence in what God was doing. After all it took all my courage and all my pride to surrender to Him and accept His will. 

In TOB words: “Chastity includes an apprenticeship in self-mastery which is a training in human freedom. The alternative is clear: either man governs his passions and finds peace, or he lets himself be dominated by them and becomes unhappy.” (CC 2339)

Last Saturday (April 13), the path to become a consecrated Lay Missionary of Charity was open, and now I’m officially an aspirant to discover if this call is mine. Unlike other people, I’ve found a great delight and strength in weekly adoration and in trying to pray the Rosary daily. Prayer is such a wonderful dialogue you can have with God. The Rosary is such a wonderful weapon against wicked and evil.

Temptation is not absent. But I have the feeling that the moment I depart myself from a life of prayer, it won’t be so “easy” to avoid it. I often wonder if for many is easier to just give in and try to justify a sinful life than to hang on to Christ’s hand and fight next to Him. 

Eph 6:11 Be clothed in the armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the treachery of the devil.

Eph 6: 16-18 In all things, take up the shield of faith, with which you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God).Through every kind of prayer and supplication, pray at all times in spirit, and so be vigilant with every kind of earnest supplication, for all the saints.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Under personal atack, give me your strength!

 O Lord!! you have worked miracles in my life the past 2 years. And more than ever I've learned to trust in You.

So tell me, will they defeat me now?

You've taught me to walk in your Truth. But this world is dual in what they call "truth". Though I know that You will provide and lead me to where you want me to go, I can't help but feel upset. Ever since I started working at the public administration, I had You as my guide. Above all, You blessed me with my intelligence and the capacity to understand about scientific issues. I've studied and found more support for biotechnology in crops. But the other decision makers in government, seem to think that the whole country is their own house and that they can rule it as they want, with their own limited opinions. 

¿What is that I have said that has sparked hatred in their hearts and minds? Is it because I refuse to play their game and approve lots of decisions with no consensus?  Or is it because I am questioning that their opinion is biased with publications that have been discredited by the scientific community?

Psalm 42 (43)O God, sustain my cause; give me redress against a race that knows no piety; save me from a treacherous foe and cruel. Thou, O God, art all my strength; why hast thou cast me off? Must I go mourning, with enemies pressing me hard? The light of thy presence, the fulfilment of thy promise, let these be my escort, bringing me safe to thy holy mountain, to the tabernacle where thou dwellest. There I will go up to the altar of God, the giver of triumphant happiness; thou art my own God, with the harp I hymn thy praise. Soul, art thou still downcast? Wilt thou never be at peace? Wait for God’s help; I will not cease to cry out in thankfulness, My champion and my God.

I don't fear much as I have almost nothing to lose. But if my college is also under attack... I do fear about him, as he has a family to look after. When will these people learn to be JUST and HUMBLE? When dear God will you turn down their selfish walls? 

Breath deep! send us Your Holy Spirit to strengthen us. Christ, cover us with your precious blood, that we may be protected from their poisonous words and planned attacks. Father, hold tight our hands, that we might not scape but offer you this moment of bitterness.

Praise you Lord! for tonight under Your protection, I will sleep and tomorrow I'll be ready to go to battle with You!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The gift of Benedict XVI - El regalo de Benedicto XVI

They say Faith is tested even more in hard times. The news I came to hear yesterday when I was returning from a small vacation trip, did shaken me for a moment. Then I read the news from other Catholic sources and read the original message where Benedict XVI said while presenting his resignation. In the political world that I'm involved thanks to my job, I can only dream that a person would have such a definitive and solid argument like he had. My boss holds on tight into her position, though she is "tired" of it. Not Joseph. He is humble and recognizes that more physical strength is needed. 

I've read some posts from my beloved agnostics: "too much gold and a false morality is what it is" they claim. Forgive them Lord for they don't know what they are talking about. Others, who are baptized but never cared to learn more on God's mysteries are cheering for a more "liberal", "open minded", "modernist" Pope... yeah sure! As if your will could be done.

Though I'm a bit sad, as Benedict XVI was a champion to recover the essence of Mass and through his books he opened my path to the LIGHT, I'm also happy to be part of the challenge he pointed out at his twitter account: "We must trust in the mighty power of God’s mercy. We are all sinners, but His grace transforms us and makes us new."

A year and 5 months ago, I was reading his Jesus of Nazareth book, the first part. I was hungry of God, looking and exploring WHO AM I? WHY was I born? What I was supposed to do here on earth?. And while reading the last two chapters, something started to hit me... in the final paragraphs the thunder stroke hard in my life. I was sitting at Mount Rainier, in the middle of the forest, the day was dying, the birds were returning to their homes. A soft breeze crossed our way...and everything mixed. The final result? God had spoken CLEARLY and SOFT to my heart, my ears and my soul. 

The most basic ontological questions of my life had been answered in the beauty of God, through the guiding words of this man Joseph Ratzinger. A man that is not know by most of "Catholics", a man that may not have the charisma our JPII had. But a man that has a brain working 100% for God and that talks to my mind clearly through his academic work. 

What a blessing are his works in my life! What a blessing his teachings. Catholics may not ever know what a blessing we have had through him and all the hunger of Christ that he has. May his retirement be fruitful and hopefully, we (the ones that knew him) can read some more words that will keep us firm in our path to quench the Thirst of Christ.
Dicen que la FE es puesta a prueba en los momentos más duros. La noticia que recibí ayer cuando retorne de una corta vacación, me sorprendió por un momento. Luego leí otras fuentes Católicas y el mensaje original de Benedicto XVI donde presenta su renuncia a su puesto. En el mundo político en el que vivo gracias a mi trabajo uno solo podría alucinar que alguna persona tuviera un argumento tan sólido y definitivo como el lo tuvo. Mi jefa se aferra a su posición, muy a pesar que declara que está cansada de ello. Este hombre al contrario es sencillo y reconoce que se necesita más fuerza física para esta labor. 

He leido algunos de los mensajes de mis queridos agósticos: "mucho oro y moral falsa es lo que le cansa". Perdónalos Dios porque no saben de que hablan. Otros que fueron bautizados pero nunca aprendieron nada (como la semilla entre rocas) esperan un Papa más "liberal, de mente amplia, modernista". Claro! como si Dios hicira la voluntad (limitada) del humano. 
Si bien me puso un poco triste, ya que Benedicto XVI fue un luchador para recuperar la verdadera escencia de la Misa y a través de sus libros abrió mi camino hacia la Luz de Dios; también me alegra ser parte de ese desafío que el escribió en su cuenta de twitter: "Debemos confiar en el poder de la Misericordia Divina. Todos somos pecadores, pero su Gracia nos transforma y nos renueva". 

Hace un año y 5 meses, leía su primer libro sobre Jesús de Nazareth. Tenía hambre de Dios, y exploraba la respuesta a mi pregunta de ¿Quíen soy yo? ¿Por qué nací? y ¿Qué se suponía debía hacer en este mundo?. Leyendo los últimos capítulos fue que empecé a ver más claro... en los párrafos finales cayó como un rayo estruendoso en mi vida. Estaba sentada en medio del bosque del Monte Rainier, el día estaba por morir, las aves retornaban a sus nidos. Una briza suave soplaba por donde estabamos y todo se mezcló! El resultado final? Dios hablo CLARO y SUAVE a mi corazón, oidos, y mi alma. 

La pregunta más básica y ontológica de mi vida había sido respondida en la belleza de Dios, a través de las palabras que me guiarón de este hombre llamado Joseph Ratzinger. Un hombre que no es conocido por la mayoría de los "Católicos", un hombre que quizás no tenga el carisma de JPII. Pero un hombre que tiene un cerebro trabajando 100% para Dios y que puede hablar a mi mente de manera clara en su estilo tan académico.

Que bendición es su trabajo en mi vida. Que bendición sus enseñanzas. Los Católicos quizás nunca sepan la bendición que tuvimos a través de el y toda su hambre por Cristo. Que este retiro sea fructífero y esperemos que podamos leer más de lo que escribe y nos ayuda a mantenernos firmes en nuestro camino para saciar la Sed de Cristo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Inspecting the Call - Disección de la Llamada

I've decided to take the step! This time the journey begins. I will prepare myself to answer my Call and explore my vocation to become a consecrated lay person. After my first year under the TOB path, I've experienced the way of the daughter and now I'm ready to start the path of the bride. I have the support of the Missionaries of Charity, parents and I think I even found (finally) my spiritual guide. The ocean of joy that I have in my life allows me to go through the harsh times of getting used again to live here in Bolivia and living in the world without being part of it. Pray for me!

He decidido dar el paso! Daré incio en este viaje. Me prepararé para responder a mi Llamada y explorar mi vocación de convertirme en una laica consagrada. Luego de mi primer año en el camino de la Teología del Cuerpo, he experimentado la dicha de ser hija y ahora estoy lista para empezar el camino de volverme novia. Cuento con el apoyo de las Misioneras de la Caridad, papas y creo que finalmente encontre un guía espiritual. El oceano de dicha experimento en mi vida, ha permitido que pueda resistir los momentos difíciles de adaptarse de nuevo a vivir en Bolivia y vivir en el mundo sin ser parte de el. Oren por mi!!